When Should You Use Compression Therapy?

Anytime right after training or a grueling day of work or travel is an ideal time to use compression therapy. Using the recovery boots anytime your legs are feeling sore can make a difference day to day.

Another important thing to understand is that air compression therapy can help with recovery after just a single session, but helping your body recover is an investment of time and should be implemented regularly. Consider 15-30 mins every day of recovery time, combined with a proper sleeping schedule and a proper diet, so that you can always be at your best.

You may also use compression therapy garments before your workouts as they are safe to use before working out! It is a great warm-up ritual before training because the dynamic air compression sequence allows increased circulation and mobility which can help you perform.

How Long Should You Use Recovery Boots For? 

Our recovery boots sessions last fo 30 minutes. This is the perfect mount of time for the intensity of your training, race, or event. To recover from a long, backbreaking workout, for example, you’ll want to use the boots for at least that amount of time.

How Often Should You Use Compression Systems On Your Body?

Dynamic air compression systems are encouraged to be used regularly and are safe to use multiple times during the day. Most people use them before and after training sessions. For medical applications, speak with your doctor for advice on the best schedule and frequency of using the device that is best for your specific needs.

Recommended Pressure Settings

An important thing to know is that even a relatively low-pressure setting can provide some benefit. What pressure you use is mostly a matter of preference. Some people enjoy a higher pressure setting and tighter compression while some prefer other settings.

Before you buy recovery boots, always make sure that they can provide the compression that is tailored to your needs, If you are a muscular athlete, you preference of tightness and squeezing might grow and you may require pressure settings that are over 180 mmHG.

No matter what your pressure preference, the compression from the boots should never hurt or be uncomfortable. If it is, decrease the pressure in the boots using the control pump until the pressure is more comfortable.

Kristy Paltridge